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Join the conversation. This podcast provides a unique perspective on Oracle Cloud customer stories from our partner’s point of view. Through interviews with our partners, listeners get an inside look at critical details about how individual projects are initiated and successfully deployed. Each podcast is intended to uncover unique insights into the challenges of the client project, industry impacts and advice, and reasons behind the client’s choice to implement Oracle Cloud.

Apr 12, 2022

Now more than ever, the healthcare industry faces near unprecedented stress and challenges. Adelante Healthcare felt this pressure and needed a solution that would enable its nine locations providing healthcare to over 75,000 people to operate seamlessly and efficiently. Together, Alithya and Oracle partnered with Adelante to help increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve controls; freeing up resources from managing manual and tedious processes to focus on more strategic roles. Join us in conversation with Zubin Shah, Director of Solutions for Alithya, as we explore Adelante’s digital transformation, from ground to cloud.