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Join the conversation. This podcast provides a unique perspective on Oracle Cloud customer stories from our partner’s point of view. Through interviews with our partners, listeners get an inside look at critical details about how individual projects are initiated and successfully deployed. Each podcast is intended to uncover unique insights into the challenges of the client project, industry impacts and advice, and reasons behind the client’s choice to implement Oracle Cloud.

Dec 15, 2020

Is your company experiencing aggressive acquisition and growth while attempting to manage disparate systems across a domestic or global footprint? Does your company want to position its supply chain and operations to be scalable to support future growth and success? Then be sure to tune in to hear how Cohu partnered...

Dec 1, 2020

Does your business, city, or university require new ways to provide essential services and improve customer experience? Join us as we learn how the thriving City of Fredericton, in Canada’s New Brunsick province, enlisted the consulting expertise of Deloitte to launch a cloud-based enterprise platform transforming...

Dec 1, 2020

Introducing Partner Perspectives